Friday January 16
Natalie and Gloria took off for Winter Extreme today with the youth group at Mills Church. It was Gloria's third (and last) year and Natalie's first so she was probably more excited. It is about a six-hour drive to Camp Timber-lee. It's a BIG youth gathering at a Christian camp. They have music, speakers, groups and activities. They have a video from the weekend HERE. Natalie brought her camera but didn't get any usable photos.
Lauren went babysitting for a family from church after dinner and I went to my regular babysitting job. Katie and Jim took this opportunity to make a steak dinner on the grill.
Saturday, January 17
I went to a prayer retreat with All Things New Prayer Ministries, where I have gone on and off for a number of years. It was nice to have some time away and to hear from God about some things in my life that needed illumination.

Jamie went to Nora's birthday party in the morning, which was great since Natalie was away.
The weather was getting REALLY cold so I avoided going out for anything else and worked on some computer stuff including a new post on my writing blog.
Sunday, January 18
It was incredibly COLD this morning! The thermometer on the car said -17 on our way to church. We found out the chickens are quite resistant to the cold. At lunch time, when it was "up to" -10, they were out in their run, instead of huddled in the coop as I would have expected.

Jamie had Eva and Jessica from church over to play for the afternoon and our girls came home from Winter Extreme.
Monday, January 18

Lauren did the driving so she could get in some hours on her permit. She has almost 13 hours now, including some night and snow and freeway. She's doing great!

Katie is working super hard on her KMIT and comes home often with epic stories about chopping cilantro and trying not to run out of chicken or rice.

Tuesday, Jan 19
Today was a bit over-busy and though I meant to take at least one picture, I didn't. We had our little friends Logan and Reese over to play, I had a meeting a church, there was GTYCS and Bible study in the evening. School got scattered throughout all that. The one thing I can say is that it's a good thing we have some flexibility!
Wednesday, Jan 20
Another picture-less day, but fun - Jamie and Natalie had their friends from SciGirls over and there was Youth Group in the evening. Lauren accidentally got left at least I can still say I've never done, though - because Jim was doing the pickup.
Thursday, Jan 21
Another gymnastics session today, along with homeschool, violin and all the regular stuff (but no pics)
Friday Jan 22
My day got mostly derailed by a migraine but I recovered enough to be able to help a friend from church babysit their twin daughters, Nora & Vivienne. I'm pretty glad we are done with the tiny people because it's pretty exhausting. Here are the little cuties from their mom's Facebook.