Monday, February 1
Some of our health insurance was reinstated today (we were like many who got caught in the renewal process with the state) so I went to a couple appointments today and then squeezed some school in. The rest of my "free time" was spent working on the Save the Date cards for Juliana & Alex's wedding and doing last minute preparations for the Women's Retreat.
Tuesday, February 2
Today, Lauren, Gloria, Natalie and Jamie got to enjoy the Christmas present that Juliana gave them - rock climbing at Vertical Endeavors. It was a great workout and very enjoyable. They all hope to go again soon! Natalie was extremely good at it - she was like Spider-Girl! Lauren got a chance to do a real belay with a kind and friendly woman who offered to show her how it worked. Jamie was fearless to go all the way to the top and Gloria got a ton of exercise. I spent my time craning my neck at them and pulling down the auto-belay for Jamie.

A big snowstorm rolled in today, starting around lunchtime. GTCYS and Bible Study was canceled, so we all snuggled in for the night.
Jamie let Natalie bury her in the snow in the front yard after dinner.

Wednesday, Feb 3
I was trying to take a picture of the results of the snow storm and ended up dropping my phone. The lens cover broke, which made all photos after that blurry. I was especially sad about that. It was simply a freak accident (or I dropped it JUST WRONG).
Now to figure out how life works without my phone camera until I get a replacement lens cover from Amazon.
broken camera:

good camera (my big one)

Thursday, Feb 4
Today was the last day before I took off for the retreat so I was getting some last minute details taken care of. Natalie and Jamie had gymnastics, as usual. Gloria was interesting in getting the house decorated a bit for Valentine's Day so she and Natalie and Jamie made paper chains while I read to them in school.

Friday, Feb 5 - Sunday, Feb 7
I was gone to the women's retreat for the weekend. While I was gone, my friend Wendy's son Tobias hung at our house so she could go, too. The retreat was a bit exhausting for me, but also extremely rewarding to see the Spirit of God moving among us to bring healing, release from barriers and a new level of love and fellowship. The prayer stations we created were meaningful and beautiful. I feel blessed to have been part of it.