credits: Biograffiti: template | Vinnie Pearce: White Foundation Papers | DigiScrapParade Nov Hop| Amy Wolff: Messy Marvin Deconstructed | Janet Scott: Sweet Things | Scrumptiously: The Birds and The Bees | Amy Martin: Messy Machine Stitching2
April 2013 Week 4
turkey dinner just because it’s yummy | more snow late in the year |shopping at Old Navy with Katie
credits: Biograffiti: template | Vinnie Pearce: White Foundation Papers | DigiScrapParade Nov Hop| Amy Wolff: Messy Marvin Deconstructed | Janet Scott: Sweet Things | Scrumptiously: The Birds and The Bees | Amy Martin: Messy Machine Stitching2
credits: Biograffiti: template | Vinnie Pearce: White Foundation Papers | DigiScrapParade Nov Hop| Amy Wolff: Messy Marvin Deconstructed | Janet Scott: Sweet Things | Scrumptiously: The Birds and The Bees | Amy Martin: Messy Machine Stitching2