What would summer be without VBS? This year, we had even more family volunteer participation, which was wonderful. I led the crafts team, ...

scrapbook and photo/memory blog
What would summer be without VBS? This year, we had even more family volunteer participation, which was wonderful. I led the crafts team, ...
We enjoyed another round of fireworks viewed from the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis. This pyrotechnic show is by far the best around here...
Just a slightly random photo I took at Deephaven Beach on another wonderful summer evening. Someday this won't be part of our usual summ...
Gloria shot these interesting photos in the summer. What a cool effect and great idea!
Natalie and Jamie wanted to go on the Excelsior Trolley again since they remembered it fondly from last year. We looked at the museum for a ...
We visited Minnehaha Falls today and parked in a different area than usual. This enabled us to cool off in the little wading pool and also c...
A big storm blew through town and caused this branch to fall on our family room. We were amazed that there was no damage. Justin helped Jim ...
All our photos are in this video on youtube:
Today we went to Caponi Art Park for the first time. I chose this day because there was supposed to be a family-friendly art activity and sh...
I think I've completely perfected homemade ice cream in our ice cream maker. Only a few ingredients: half + half, vanilla, sugar, pepper...
I honestly didn't do a great job planning the garden this year AND we lost almost all our sugar snap peas to local bunnies. I heard from...
Jim lets the chickens out every single afternoon and watches them for a little while to unwind from work. They are so interesting to look at...
It was a great party at Jayne and Dan's this year because a bunch of the little cousins were there. The girls loved playing with the Ort...
Sometimes, we get so focused on getting out the door to go to something like gymnastics, we end up with someone who forgot something importa...
We did another volunteer session at Second Harvest today; Jim was able to go for the first time, too. This time, in addition to repacking bu...
Natalie, Jamie and I rode our bikes to Silverwood Park, which we have called the Big Sliding Park since Juliana was little. It was fun for m...