Because of Jim taking the time to write it, we got a Christmas letter out this year. Here is a copy of what we sent - Friends and Fa...

scrapbook and photo/memory blog
Because of Jim taking the time to write it, we got a Christmas letter out this year. Here is a copy of what we sent - Friends and Fa...
I'm surprised that we never tried the sledding hill at Scenic Heights Elementary school before because it's really nice! We got jus...
Apple harvest in our front yard today. We hold a tarp under the tree and shake it because it's a really tall tree. Yes, some of us wear ...
This year Jamie got to have her birthday party at Legacy Gymnastics. She invited friends from church (Eva and Melissa, Sydney and Jovi) and ...
A couple chicken milestones to record: 1. Their new hobby is getting up on higher up things (without much interest in the roost in their c...
Today we went over to St Paul to visit the Science Museum of Minnesota. We hadn't been there for a number of months, and wanted to see ...
While Katie and Lauren went to the corn maze with youth group, Jim and I took Gloria, Natalie and Jamie to Wolsfeld Woods. This place is alm...
Lauren had a retreat at Camp St. Croix for a second year in a row. I volunteered to be a chaperone this year and was treated to a chance to ...
Our friend Dan McCarthy gave us a couple bushels of Honeycrisp apples and I knew they would be a big task to process. That's why I call...
Today's requested field trip was the Walker Art Center (Gloria's choice). It was a last minute GO because we were watching the weath...
A quick post to remind myself some day of the nice quiet walk that Jim and I had around Purgatory Park at sunset...without kiddos. He spends...
I keep a file in Evernote of activities that I'm considering with the kids - field trips, classes, places to visit. This location made i...
We went to the State Fair for the first time in at least 10 years (perhaps more.) We didn't go in with much of a plan except that we kne...
Another great weekend of fun! This year, we did not sleep out at camp - we set up our gazebo and picnic stuff/kitchen but went home to sleep...
Frankie has started making more interesting chicken sounds - nothing like the peeping they started with, much more like chickens (or geese) ...
It was a really nice day, so Natalie, Jamie and I went on a bike ride to McDonald's in Excelsior and back home along the regional trail....
We have a habit or sort of a tradition to grab a snack at Costco when we are out and about and the timing is right. It's always worth a ...
I enrolled Natalie and Jamie in a charter school that had them starting in August. It was supposed to be like homeschooling, but it didn...