Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Car

Here is the new car we bought today. It's the only one we looked at in person, but Jim spent a few days poring over ads in the internet. It's a 2002 Honda Accord with less than 150K miles on it. I named it the Blonda (Blond Honda, even though it's tan)

Our other Honda (the one we called The Blue Car) is wrecked. Katie spun it out on the freeway coming off an icy on ramp. It's amazing that she was not hurt. Go, God!

However, since that car was a 2001, it didn't take a TON of damage to declare it a total loss. The auto shop stopped counting up the repair bill at about $2900. It was a great car but I was really not looking forward to going through driving lessons again with the manual transmission since Lauren will be getting her permit this year.

I am glad we were able to replace it right away (and on the same day the rental car was due back), having received some inheritance from Kate.  She loved being generous and I think she would love that we able to get a good replacement car.

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