Time to settle in for the long part of Winter! A lot of our week was routine but we had a few surprises like dinner out with Mike & Marsha Wilder at Red Lobster. The temperatures were quite a bit warmer but we got a lot more snow too. Our neighbor Eric ended up plowing out the driveway for Jim. There was a minor visit by the flu but nothing significant, thankfully!
Heidi and Charlie came over to play while Justin went fishing. We had a bunch of deer feeding under the apple tree in the front yard. I made gluten free yeast bread and homemade crockpot yogurt for the first time. Jamie got to be the :”meatball girl.” Roxy hated the snow as much as ever and wouldn’t even go off the patio to pee.
We got time to go ice skating on Sunday. Natalie was sick for one day and did not want her picture taken to commemorate her day on the couch. Lauren and Gloria went to Winter Extreme with The Mills Church from Friday - Sunday. (lunch at Taco Bell first) and we had an all church lunch on Sunday
credits: template: Biograffiti Hip to Be Square 2
Christine Smith: Scrap Basics Turquoise & Winter Bliss (retired)