I have joined an online coaching community for homeschool moms through BraveWriter.com. We are given audio and video lectures and assignme...

scrapbook and photo/memory blog
I have joined an online coaching community for homeschool moms through BraveWriter.com. We are given audio and video lectures and assignme...
We seem to be living in a culture that places an undue emphasis on experts. I call this the expert mentality and I first came across the ide...
Since I’ve been managing the Legacy Gym Facebook page , I’ve gotten to see what events and meets they are participating in – or better yet, ...
This deer has been to the house a a number of times in the last few days. Previously, he was here at night and close to the house. Today, in...
A while ago, I started read a blog and newsletter from Doing Good Together . It contains information and encouragement to volunteer togethe...
I planned a trip to the Science Museum today with 2 purposes in mind: visit the weather exhibits (related to some science reading we were d...
This month, we added a new activity to our afternoon "group time" - The Greatest Science Stories Never Told: 100 tales of invent...
Here is the new car we bought today. It's the only one we looked at in person, but Jim spent a few days poring over ads in the internet...
Instead of a full day off school for Martin Luther King Jr Day, we had a half day and then went to Second Harvest Food Bank for another foo...
Jim was out of town this weekend so we headed up to the Maple Grove Community Center for some big muscle fun. They have a super deal where ...
...because it works better than yelling at people when they can't pay attention ...and it's MUCH more fun ...and it actually works...
We have gotten so little snow this winter that the opportunities for sledding have not been that great. Even ice skating has been iffy beca...
My Grandma Lu passed away this past week. She was over 91 years old and loved by many people in her church and family. She left an amazing ...
We went to the Physics Force Show at Northrup Auditorium on the University of MN campus today. The show was an hour-long extravaganza of ev...
These are some notecards that Jamie wrote while watching Wild Kratts (her favorite show on PBS). She is recording key facts to write a book ...
For winter break, we managed to go on a field trip or activity almost every day in the week after Christmas: • open gym at Legacy • swimm...
Natalie made this special pack of coupons for me - she did such a great job of picking things she knew I would really appreciate!
Katie likes to take pictures of sunsets, I like to take pictures of sunrises. Here is an especially lovely one -