Monday, May 04, 2015

Baby Chicks

We placed our chick order about 10 days ago and got to pick up the three little peepers today. We got them from Egg Plan Urban Farm Supply in St. Paul.

We got a lace winged wyandotte, a rhode island red and a gold star.

They were named before we got them during a trip to the park. They are all named after TV/movie characters.

• Kono (from Hawaii Five-O)

• Marlin (from Finding Nemo)

• Frankie (Francine, from Arthur)

They were extremely sleepy by the time we got them home. They were like little puppies, even falling asleep standing up (which made them fall over). The morning after we got them, I accidentally scared them by saying HI CHICKENS first thing in the morning and they all ran into the wall of their  box. We will have to work on not doing stuff like that!

We enjoy looking at them and holding them and watching them grow each day.


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