Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Creative Expression and Movie Making

While I was at the dentist today, the girls were given free time to choose their activities. They got together to create a couple of creative commercials for a real and imaginary product. Again, this shows a whole TON of learning and every single bit of it was student-directed. I love how much creativity is shown, how everyone had a part to play (even the neighbor girl has a cameo), how music was added, how many different pieces were planned and shot with different locations, how visual effects were added (like spinning the ipad to represent the passage of time) and so much more. This was all accomplished in less than three hours. The finished products look like something that a monumental amount of classroom or summer camp time would need to be dedicated to. However, when an idea is naturally sparked and they are free to explore what works and what doesn’t work without too much “teacher” intervention, the result is spectacular!

Movie #1 - Cutter Insect Repellant Commercial


Movie # 2 – The Younger Potion Commercial

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