Saturday, July 26, 2014

Aquatennial Fireworks

We decided to try going to the Minneapolis Aquatennial fireworks this summer for the first time ever. I read somewhere that they are among the top shows in the entire country.


Since the 4th of July was a little disappointing, it seemed like a good year to give it a try. We were very fortunate to be able to borrow an underground parking pass from Jim’s friend Bob so we did not have to trek very far.


We camped out on the Stone Arch Bridge for over an hour with our chairs and snacks. During that time, Jim took the girls to the ice cream stands and down by the Mills Ruins.


Katie took my camera and captured some amazing photos.




Unfortunately, Katie also fell with my camera. It broke and she very badly bruised her knee. Fortunately, I had accident coverage on my camera and she did not break anything on her knee…but there were no photos of the fireworks. Maybe next year!



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