It seems like every day when we go look at the garden, there is new growth and new things to look at. We have been astonished at how well an...
Libbs Lake
Libbs is not usually on the list of places the kids like to swim because the water tends to be shallow and weedy. However, with the high wat...
Chicken Sitting
The girls were very excited to do some chicken sitting at the Terrel’s house again. We noticed that there were more eggs than in the winter ...
Backyard Toads
When the weather is wet enough and otherwise just right, we get good conditions for toads in the yard. They like to hang out in the window w...
Things You Don’t See Every Day
We have this ongoing mental hobby of noticing “things you don’t see every day” or “things you don’t hear every day.” That’s why I was pretty...
Surprise Party
Our longtime friend Mike Maxwell threw a surprise birthday party for his wife Sue’s 50th birthday. We were pleased to attend and got a big s...
Secret Ice Cream
A secret trip to Dairy Queen when all the older sisters were gone. Instead of sitting inside, we enjoyed our ice cream on the edge of the ne...
Hyland Park Reserve
While the older girls were overnight a Grandma Sharon’s house, Natalie, Jamie and I took a trip to Hyland Lake Park Reserve. We started at t...
First Garden Salad
Today I was so excited to be able to enjoy the FIRST bowl of greens from the garden in this lovely salad. The kids think the spring greens k...
Deephaven High Water
We took these photos at Deephaven Beach today to record the visuals of the record high water. It was very dramatic to see the water so close...
More Minnetonka High Water
The record-breaking rain and water level on the lake continued to have a big effect on our activities. We had set out to see what was happen...

Violin Lessons
We recorded videos of the violin solos that Lauren and Gloria are working on in their lessons. It is fun to see them being able to work on i...
Jamie Runs the Mile
Jamie was really interested in how far a mile was today. We talked about how it was about the distance from our house to the library and how...
Backyard Nature Finds
There were many more interesting things to find in the backyard today including mushrooms that popped up over night in the wet weather, fung...
Homemade Tootsie Roll Disks
Lauren found a recipe for homemade tootsie rolls so she tried it out. They were a little bit strange and hard to roll into … rolls, so they...
String and Nail Art
One of us saw something like this on Pinterest but we were short the wood needed for the background. I wanted to wait until we could find so...

My Homeschool Journal Tour
This post is to display my journal/notebook for our homeschool. I am participating in the summer journaling class at Project Based Homeschoo...